

Scripps News is a national news network built on a 145-year legacy of quality and objective journalism.

Scripps News will be the antidote to biased news that cater to entrenched interests. Scripps News will bring independent point of view to the most pressing and urgent issues of our time - with coverage of politics, the economy, foreign affairs, technology, health and science.

On-the-ground reporting puts facts and people first with reporters in more than 50 cities across the country, Scripps News journalists live and work in the communities they cover. Scripps News is committed to strong investigative reporting that holds the powerful to account, and the work of Scripps News' award-winning team of experienced journalists has led to policy change a the highest levels.

And Scripps News believes in making all of that as accessible as possible. Watch on WMBC 63.2 starting from April 1.

WMBC 63.2
Broadcasting 24/7

Click here for the WMBC 63.2 program guide